Our mission is to grow community members’ connection to one another in order to foster a greater sense of safety, belonging, happiness, and well-being.
We do this through programs and initiatives that:
Establish and expand partnerships between individuals and organizations
Use a lighter, leaner, quicker, cheaper approach that generates rapidly achievable, measurable results
Create community powered public spaces
Develop micro-incubator spaces that attract and grow entrepreneurs of all ages
Host events that celebrate diversity and inclusion
Transform under-utilized public and private spaces into activated community hubs;


40% of Americans rent their home, but we are typically left out of neighborhood planning decisions. We are uniting renters who love their neighborhoods and want a say in making them better.
We have much to learn from the unjaded, optimistic minds of young people. In her disaster recovery efforts, Laura is engaging with students to rebuild towns young people are proud of.
Reciever cities will have extra capacity to house, educate, and nurture disaster victims until their town is rebuilt.
We've been on the ground floor of many disasters, so we know stable housing, school, and work helps people recover quicker. ​
Renters With Roots
Youth-Led City building
reciever cities

C Spaces

where community comes to collaborate.
Creating vibrant public spaces that engage and foster fellowship.

Meet The Founder
lc Clemons HAS BEEN WORKING FROM 2009 to bring together complex partnerships that allow the hard work of existing community groups and civic organizations to have a greater impact.
After a catastrophic 2011 tornado outbreak in Alabama, she began using her grass-roots organizing capabilities to help communities recover from disasters in a more resilient way.
She advises FEMA Public Assistance Applicants on best practices for how to rebuild more resiliently after a federally declared disaster and how to more effectively plan how to respond to disasters to leverage the full extent of innovation that can be achieved through the FEMA Public Assistance process.

Lc Clemons